Sweetest Friends,
Attached is the this weeks installment of The Written Shu-Shine: Don’t Doubt Your Questions, but Seriously Question Your Doubts
Quote of the Week, a preview from this week’s Sichah:
“There’s a kind of questioning that Rebbe Nachman and Reb Shlomo Carlebach teaches so much about. Rebbe Nachman from Breslov would say it was called “holy chutzpah.” To have holy chutzpah that comes from the highest place is when you really reach an intimate stride with exactly what Hashem, G!d and the Torah and this world and human beings in their best moments are all about. And it’s OK at those times to question even the smartest teacher because you’re not questioning to destroy. You’re questioning to grow. You’re not trying to get away. You’re trying to get closer.."
Wishing everyone the highest Shabbat!
With love and smile,